
De Vanna

Visionary Entrepreneur, Investor, Business Advisor, and Mentor, Business Strategist, Expert in Technology and Business Process Automation,
Licensed Real Estate Agent, Podcaster, Founder of the group of companies that make up the PROGREVO GROUP,
including various platforms for the education of our people in the Hispanic Region, such as:
The Academy of Progress, the “Progresando Ando” Podcast, and the “Leaders of Progress in Action” community.


Alfredo De Vanna

In recent years, in addition to being the CEO of the companies he leads, Alfredo De Vanna has dedicated himself to advising and teaching other entrepreneurs the art of reclaiming their time freedom. His goal is to help them break free from the chains that tie them to their businesses or ventures, which instead of being sources of satisfaction, have become obligations consuming all their time and energy.

Alfredo De Vanna is a mentor and guide on the path to success and professional fulfillment, showing other entrepreneurs that true achievement is not a result of chance but a conscious personal choice.

Alfredo understands that life is a balance and that personal and family relationships, as well as inspiring personal projects, deserve as much time and attention as a professional career. Therefore, he has set out to show others how to take control of their time and life so they can focus on what truly matters and live a truly enriching and fulfilling life.

His philosophy is based on his own experience and personal development as the cornerstone for designing and living an intentional life—a life not governed by external expectations but by personal design.
Alfredo is here to show you that you can have it all: a successful business, free time, and a life filled with meaningful relationships and inspiring personal projects. Because true success is living life on your own terms.
Alfredo felt the desire to generate his own income not out of economic necessity, but because he wanted to experience the freedom to decide what to do for himself and with his own money.

At the age of 5, he got his first job at a variety and candy store, not out of necessity but out of the fearless determination to forge his own path. Alfredo worked at this job after attending school and earned an equivalent of $1.5 for a full day’s work. The store owner offered him the opportunity due to his persistence and the admiration she felt for Alfredo.

This independent and entrepreneurial spirit continued to develop when, invited to a neighbor’s birthday party, Alfredo saw a business opportunity and, asking himself the question: How could he generate income from a birthday party?, he came up with the idea of creating a homemade vending machine for drinks and candies. Armed with a cardboard box and limitless imagination, Alfredo designed and “built” his vending machine, proving that, for a child with creativity and determination, nothing is impossible.
These early formative experiences planted the seed for what is now Alfredo’s philosophy: the belief in each individual’s ability to design their own life, take control of their time and freedom, and align professional life with personal satisfaction and meaningful relationships. Alfredo understands that true success is not only measured in economic terms but in the ability to live an intentional and fulfilling life, on your own terms.

Personal & Professional


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Alfredo studies two technical careers in parallel: Programming and Systems, and Assistance in Accounting.
1997 ━ 1999
Alfredo serves as the General Manager of a department store with multiple employees in three branches.
Alfredo emigrates to the United Kingdom due to political uncertainty in his home country. He initially works as a waiter in a bar.
Alfredo joins Citibank as a document scanner and archivist, later being promoted to Assistant Director.
2001 ━ 2002
Alfredo moves within Citibank, providing first-hand support for Citigroup Private Bank in London, Jersey, Spain, and Switzerland, significantly improving processes.
2002 ━ 2007
Alfredo joins a content management and process automation consulting firm, implementing projects for global clients in Europe, North America, and the Caribbean, involving a range of different technologies and platforms.
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Alfredo leaves the consulting firm, sells his property investments, and moves to Spain with the intention of reuniting his family and investing in businesses.
The real estate and financial market crisis leads Alfredo to lose his entire wealth. In response, he founds his own technology company, Yakidoo, and immigrates to Canada to operate it.
2008 ━ 2012
Alfredo expands Yakidoo’s operations from Canada and subsequently founds Yakidoo Latinoamérica in 2012. The company executes hundreds of projects for client companies in the Forbes Global 2000, including JP Morgan, UBS, Royal Bank of Canada, Regeneron Pharmaceutical, Humana, Citi, Wells Fargo, among others.
Observing the lack of technical certifications in Spanish in his industry, Alfredo, with the support of KOFAX, founds Yakidoo University to meet this demand in the Latin American market.
After growing Yakidoo to over 40 employees and millions of dollars in revenue, Alfredo goes through his own exit process by selling his shares in Yakidoo Canada. He decides to focus on the operations of Yakidoo in Latin America, create new personal inspiration projects through PROGREVO (another of his companies), and establish his base in the Republic of Panama.
2018 ━ PRESENT

Alfredo continues his journey as a visionary entrepreneur and mentor, aiming to help other business owners maximize the value of their companies, guide them towards their own exits, and live an intentional and fulfilling life on their own terms.


Throughout his journey, Alfredo, like many entrepreneurs and business leaders, had to face a series of challenges that later became his growth milestones and have made a significant difference in his personal and professional life. The most notable ones include:

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Business Growth
When Alfredo was at Citibank, he realized that the growth for him within the bank would be very slow, given its large size. Therefore, he decided to join a rapidly expanding consulting firm where he could have a greater impact in a shorter time. Later, when founding Yakidoo, not only did the company grow in North America and the Caribbean, but it also expanded its operations to Latin America to address a gap in the market.
Alfredo successfully sold his shares in Yakidoo Canada and stepped away from the day-to-day operations to focus on other projects of personal, professional, and contributory interest. This demonstrates that he has gone through the process of planning the exit of a business, and he can share valuable lessons on this topic and his own methodology for others to achieve the same.
Throughout his career, Alfredo worked in various roles that required dedication and commitment while balancing his personal life. He was able to manage his time effectively, and after selling Yakidoo Canada, he focused on other projects and nurturing his personal and family relationships, demonstrating that it is possible to achieve a balance between personal and professional life.
With his background in accounting and systems, Alfredo was able to implement accounting and computer systems in various companies and his own investment projects, providing him with a solid financial foundation. Furthermore, his obsession with process optimization has led to a reduction in execution times from months to days, showcasing his ability to increase the efficiency and profitability of the projects he has led.
Alfredo has a solid background in technology, having studied Programming and Systems. He implemented computer systems in various companies, improving their efficiency. Additionally, Yakidoo specializes in information capture, content management, and process automation, showcasing Alfredo’s expertise in this field.
Alfredo has managed teams of various sizes, from a department store with three branches to Yakidoo, which also expanded at the corporate level. This experience, along with advising multidisciplinary teams within client and partner companies he has worked with, has provided valuable lessons on how to build, motivate, and sustainably maintain a productive team.


The PROGREVO GROUP is a conglomerate of companies founded by Alfredo De Vanna & Co., with the mission of bringing progress and evolution to our region. Stemming from the desire to PAY IT FORWARD, meaning giving back to our roots, it serves Individuals, Professionals, Entrepreneurs, and Businesses.

The PROGREVO GROUP is guided by its motto: “United for the Progress and Evolution of our Hispanic Region,” and through its offerings is dedicated to facilitating CORPORATE, PROFESSIONAL, and PERSONAL EXCELLENCE > our 3 levels of impact.
Everything we do within the PROGREVO GROUP is aligned with our 4 values:
The PROGREVO GROUP consists of three main companies led by Alfredo De Vanna: PROGREVO, YAKIDOO Latin America, and SIONDER. Each company within the group brings its unique strengths, adding significant value to its clients and enhancing the group’s global impact for the Hispanic community.
In PROGREVO, our primary vehicle for impact is to EDUCATE and train Leaders of Progress so that, along with other Leaders, Visionaries, Teachers, Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Institutions, Organizations already active within the Hispanic region, we co-elevate our people toward the highest standards of personal, professional, and organizational or corporate excellence.


YAKIDOO LATIN AMERICA is a trusted provider of automation and digital transformation solutions in the Hispanic region. Under the vision of Alfredo De Vanna and his leadership, it specializes in streamlining and optimizing business processes through cutting-edge technologies, such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and machine learning.
YAKIDOO LATIN AMERICA empowers businesses to be more efficient, competitive, and agile, helping them navigate the complexities of the modern digital landscape. By elevating companies toward digital transformation, YAKIDOO LATIN AMERICA significantly contributes to the progress and evolution of the Hispanic region.


SIONDER aspires to become a world-class capital investment company within the PROGREVO Group.

SIONDER focuses on identifying and investing in high-potential projects and innovative companies in the Hispanic region with positive cash flow and stable growth.

With its group of private investors, SIONDER invests in various assets, including real estate. In addition to investing in disruptive technologies, innovative ideas, and exceptional entrepreneurs, SIONDER seeks to be a catalyst for change and drive progress and evolution in the Hispanic region.



Alfredo De Vanna embarked on his journey of personal growth and development from an early age, having the immense opportunity to learn from distinguished teachers whose lessons have been catalysts in his life, career, and for many he has assisted.

Alfredo has been fortunate to have the training and mentorship of leaders, educators, and renowned entrepreneurs in the field of personal and business development, including personalities such as: Robert Kiyosaki, Tony Robbins, Eckhart Tolle, Chet Holmes, Keith Cunningham, T. Harv Eker, Darren Hardy, and Joseph McClendon, among others.

In recent times, he has had the opportunity to enrich his personal and professional life even more by learning from some of the best mentors in the field. Among the most significant training and experiences are:

Speaker Academy with Eric Edmeades

Full Mindvalley University 2019 Program (Croatia)

WildFit Program with Eric Edmeades

Two Comma Club Training with Russell Brunson

Product Creation BootCamp with Eric Edmeades

Virtual CODEX Training with Peng Joon

Ad World – The world’s largest online conference.

This enriching collection of learnings and experiences is what Alfredo makes available to those he advises, ensuring high value in the teachings transferred throughout his professional career.



In 2019, Alfredo inspired to give back to his Hispanic-American roots and help bridge the significant skills gap left by the traditional education system…

The PROGRESANDO ANDO Podcast was born, currently with millions of downloads and over a hundred episodes delivered weekly. As the host, Alfredo De Vanna has covered a wide range of thought-provoking topics with mentors, coaches, visionaries, and various professionals and entrepreneurs who are also change-makers and active in the Hispanic region for education and awakening human potential.

PROGRESANDO ANDO empowers and educates listeners, helping them make informed decisions and take immediate actions to achieve their goals and objectives.

He founded LA ACADEMIA DEL PROGRESO and the community of LIDERES DEL PROGRESO EN ACCIÓN, platforms for training in the 7 essential areas of human development that traditional academic education omitted. Through various learning methods and experiences, all participants, whether working within or outside a company, develop the essential skills, knowledge, and mindset for holistic success, encompassing:
LA ACADEMIA DEL PROGRESO, offers assistance and guidance for participants to become the best version of themselves, become agents of progress and evolution for their families and their environment.

LIDERES DEL PROGRESO EN ACCIÓN, is a community that brings together like-minded individuals committed to personal and professional growth. This community provides a platform for networking, co-elevation, and support, allowing members to learn from each other and collectively drive positive change in the Hispanic region. 


We choose to EDUCATE, because, as taught by Maimonides, a physician, rabbi, and Jewish theologian from ancient Spain:

“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day;

teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”